Looking for sponsors!

Mostly Erlang is looking for sponsors. We have brought on someone to do editing for the show and will be moving back to an episode a week!

In 2014 we were at Erlang User Conference in Stockholm and at Chicago Erlang, in 2015 we hope to be able to be back at EUC as well as at Erlang Factory in San Fransisco and at CodeMesh in London.

All of this takes Money! So if you or your company would like to help spread the word of Erlang please consider becoming a Sponsor of Mostly Erlang

052 – Erlang in Anger

Ever have a system go strange on you, or fall down under load? Erlang has some amazing tools to try and debug these cases. Regular panelist Fred joins us to talk about his new book “Erlang in Anger” and his recon library. With these you will be in good shape to debug a system in production without breaking it more.


  • Fred Hebert ()
  • Zachary Kessin ()


Erlang comes with its own datastores ETS and Mnesia. These store Erlang terms directly so you don’t have to map your data into SQL types. They can also be used to create databases in Memory or on disk or both, this can lead to blindingly fast distrubted systems

We speak to Claus about how Mnesia was created and why. We also talk about when it is a good fit to use Mnesia for data storage and when it would not be.

If you are considering what data storage engine to use for your next project listen to this first.


  • Fred Hebert ()
  • Claus “Klake” Wikstrom ()
  • Bryan Hunter ()
  • Zachary Kessin ()
  • ETS – Erlang term Storage
  • Mnesia
  • Ecto

050 miniKanren With William Byrd

We apologize, this episode got messed up, so here is a fixed version

Download Link:

audio mp3=”https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/050_minikanran.mp3″%5D%5B/audio%5D

Download Link: https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/050_minikanran.mp3

A programming language that doesn’t change the way you think about programming isn’t worth learning — Alan Kay

MiniKanren is a relational programming language that has been used for both research and in industry. Find out how it was created and how it can be used to to do useful work in your programs.


  • William Byrd (@webyrd)
  • Robert Virding ()
  • Kevin Hammond ()
  • Zachary Kessin ()
  • The Reasoned Schemer
  • miniKanren
  • core.logic
  • ExKanren
  • ErlKanren
  • erlog
  • 7 More Languages in 7 Weeks
  • Prolog Episode of Mostly Erlang
  • Curry-Howard Isomerism
  • The Type Theory Podcast
  • Will’s PhD Dissertation

Language Picks

  • Language with Come From & While Don’t (Kevin)
  • Concurrency and Parallelism (Robert)
  • Forth & Factor (Will)
  • Term Re-writing Systems (Will)
  • PLT-Redex
  • http://r-project.org R (Zach)
  • awk

049 Supervisors

Supervisors are all about creating solid guarantees of how the system will recover after a fault and how it will be setup. If Erlang supervisors have ever confused you, or if you want to understand how this feature makes erlang one of the most powerful tools for building distributed systems this is the episode for you


  • Fred Hebert ()
  • Zachary Kessin ()
  • Irina Guberman ()
  • Francesco Cesarini ()

Help Wanted

  • Erlang Central




“…when 100 people are listening to you for an hour, that’s 100 hours of people’s time devoted to what you have to say. If you can’t spend 5 or 10 hours preparing for them, thinking about them, and refining your points to best suit their needs, what does that say about your respect for your audience’s time? It says that your 5 hours are more important than 100 of theirs, which requires an ego larger than the entire solar system. And there is no doubt this disrespect will be obvious once you are on the stage.” – Confessions of a Public Speaker , Scott Berkun

Conferences, we talk about them almost every episode, but what are they like, how do you go to your first conference? How do you become a speaker at one and how can we make our conferences better? We talk at length about all of these things with a great crew of old timers and new folks

Download Link: https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/mostly_erlang_48_confrences.mp3


  • Fred Hebert ()
  • Zachary Kessin ()
  • Simon Thompson ()
  • Simon St Lawrence ()
  • Irina Guberman ()
  • Francesco Cesarini ()


047 Nitrogen Web Framework

Download Link: https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/047_nitrogen.mp3


Nitrogen is a framework for creating rich web applications from erlang, for all of us who hate doing front end dev we can now do most of it within Erlang. Project maintainer Jesse Gumm joins us to talk about it and how to use it.


  • Zachary Kessin ()
  • Jesse Gumm ()
  • Fred Hebert ()