Francesco Cesarini @FrancescoC
Kevin Hammond @khstandrews
Zachary Kessin @zkessin
Erlang Factory San Francisco March 26-27
Elixir Conf EU 23-24 April Krakow
Erlang User Coference Stockholm 11-12 June
Francesco Cesarini @FrancescoC
Kevin Hammond @khstandrews
Zachary Kessin @zkessin
Erlang Factory San Francisco March 26-27
Elixir Conf EU 23-24 April Krakow
Erlang User Coference Stockholm 11-12 June
Just wanted to mention that there is a type migration tool for Haskell and its been around for a few years. The Happstack team created it and then split it out, its called SafeCopy. SafeCopy takes care of deriving a binary serialization format for any Haskell type (either manually or with template haskell) and then you add an instance of Migration that tells it how to migrate from an older type to a newer type and any time it deserializes the old type expecting the new one, it passes it through this function to upgrade it. It works quite nicely. Migrations are like a chain so if you have multiple old types in the wild it will upgrade them through the sequence of migrations.
Hi Michael, thanks so much for letting us know!