063 Adroll

Download Link: https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/063_adroll-done.mp3

Sponsored by Adroll

Sorry to have been missing last week!  This week we have an interview with Adroll, and a brief tangent into astronomy.
Jesse Lauro (@jesse_lauro)
Brian Troutwine (@bltroutwine)
Miriam Pena (@miriampena)
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Blanco
Elixir Conf EU April 23-24, Krakow http://www.elixirconf.eu/
PolyConf Krakow July 2-4 http://polyconf.com/
Erlang User Conference in Stockholm June 11-12 www.erlang-factory.com/euc2015
Code Mesh, London, November 2-4 http://lanyrd.com/2015/codemeshio/

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