Looking for sponsors!

Mostly Erlang is looking for sponsors. We have brought on someone to do editing for the show and will be moving back to an episode a week!

In 2014 we were at Erlang User Conference in Stockholm and at Chicago Erlang, in 2015 we hope to be able to be back at EUC as well as at Erlang Factory in San Fransisco and at CodeMesh in London.

All of this takes Money! So if you or your company would like to help spread the word of Erlang please consider becoming a Sponsor of Mostly Erlang

One thought on “Looking for sponsors!”

  1. I’ve for quite a while been disappointed that there were no new podcasts — I was not expecting the “looking for sponsors” post to be at the top when it wasn’t the most recent post. I was happy to find episodes 48-52 below it, having not seen them until now. Perhaps the “sponsors” thing should be on the side instead of perhaps-permanently at the top, looking like a dated post.

    Thanks for the podcast, and thanks for listening.


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