042 Tools on Erlang

Download Link https://mostlyerlang.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/042_tools_with_simon_and_yehuda.mp3

At Erlang Factory Jose and Dave pointed out that we in the Erlang community are loosing people by the fact that we have not kept up with the tools in other languages, like Clojure, Ruby and Elixir. So we brought on two professors who have both taught Erlang to see what they have experienced in their classes. Simon Thompson teaches at the University of Kent in Canterbery, England, and Yehuda Ben Shimol teaches at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva Israel.


  • Zachary Kessin
  • Yehuda Ben Shimol Personal Web Page
  • Simon Thompson


One thought on “042 Tools on Erlang”

  1. You’ve discussed one of the problem of erlang & deps: that everybody rely on master, and you’d better have a tool for locking all the dependencies (recursively)
    We use the following plugin for doing this:


    It creates a snapshot of all the dependencies, and work with that snapshot. If you want to update it – just use the special command `update-deps-local` and it will reread a current state of all deps and write down a new snapshot.


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